Archived News

Many articles about the Eastern Trail are organized on this news archives page. The most recent articles appear immediately below, with the first part of each article displayed. Click on any article title, or the “Read More..” link to read the full text of that article.



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Police monitoring makes trails safer for all users (5/3/2012)

Published: Thursday, May 3, 2012 12:06 PM EDT

While a rural walking trail can seem inviting on a beautiful day, there’s no denying that there is some risk involved in taking the “road less traveled.” Part of what gives trails their charm is the fact that they are removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and from the view of the general public. That means trails offer some privacy, and can therefore be a draw for those interested in illegal activities. It also means that if you find yourself in peril on a trail, there are fewer passersby to notice your distress.

Sanford resident Jennifer Copper found this out the hard way when a nice walk through the woods with her young twins turned into a painful ordeal after she slipped and broke her ankle.

Copper got lucky, however, since another trail walker happened by and was able to come to the rescue. Mike Laurendeau deserves kudos for carrying Copper out of the woods and lending her his cell phone so she could get in touch with family.

Those using the Eastern Trail in Biddeford, who might not be lucky enough to have someone like Laurendeau cross their path when they need help, can now take comfort in knowing that the police department is stepping in. Thanks to a recent grant, Biddeford Police have dedicated a bicycle patrol to the stretch of the Eastern Trail that goes through the city – making sure it doesn’t become a haven for hooligans and assuring trail users that the area is monitored so they won’t be without help for too long if something unfortunate should occur.

Biddeford has eight bicycle patrol officers who take turns patrolling the trail several times each day. So far, they say they’ve encountered no problems, but people “feel more safe” just knowing they’re out there. And that’s the key. If people feel comfortable enough to use the trail, it’ll become more popular; and if those with criminal intentions know that it’s monitored, the trails won’t become unsafe for families and singles who want to recreate there.

Read the entire article online here.

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Pedestrian bridge dedicated to long-time trail leader (5/16/2012)

Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:44 pm

By Kate Irish Collins

John Andrews at bridge dedictation with his granddaughter, Iulia, 6. (Staff photo by Kate Irish Collins) John Andrews is a handy guy to have around, whether you’re planning new walking trails or trying to cut the ribbon for a section of trail already completed.

To honor Andrews for his vision, leadership and perseverance, on Wednesday morning, May 16, the Eastern Trail Alliance dedicated the new pedestrian bridge over Route 1 in Saco to Andrews.

“Simply put, there would be no Eastern Trail without John Andrews,” said Bob Hamblen, current president of the trails group and Saco’s planner.

The dedication, which was held at the trailhead behind Thornton Academy Middle School, was a surprise to Andrews, who for the past 15 years has pushed, prodded, begged and borrowed to get the off-road sections of the Eastern Trail built in the tri-town area.

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Crosstown trail proposed for Old Orchard Beach (4/25/2012))

Posted: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:21 pm

In order to take better advantage of a new section of the Eastern Trail, which runs off Cascade Road, the Conservation Commission in Old Orchard Beach is proposing the creation of a new cross-town trail that would connect the Eastern Trail to downtown.

OOB ConnectorThe plan, according to Ginger McMullin, chairwoman of the commission, would be for the cross-town trail to run from Memorial Park, up Staples Street, out to School Street to Dirigo Road, then follow Wild Dune Way to Ross Road and from there connect to the Eastern Trail.

During a meeting last week with interested residents, McMullin said there is a section of School Street, which is already off road and unpaved and which runs behind The Ballpark, that could be easily made usable for walkers and bikers and, for now, the rest of the trail would be on road.

Both McMullin and Pierre Bouthiller, another member of the Conservation Commission, also said there should be minimal expense to the town since the Public Works Department already has most of the materials needed and the manpower to make the cross-town trail a reality.

Read the entire article online here.

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ECGA News – National Meetings in Maine a Huge Success

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May 2012 East Coast Greenway E-News

The weekend of May 18 – 20th, the ECG held its national Trail Council and Board meetings in beautiful Portland, Maine.

The weekend started with the 31-mile Spring on the Eastern Trail bike ride sponsored by the Eastern Trail Alliance (ETA). The weather couldn’t have been better, and over 100 people enjoyed the ride from Kennebunk to Bug Light Park in Portland. The ride went over the Route 1 Bridge, which was dedicated to ETA Founder John Andrews. Thank you Eastern Trail Alliance for putting on the ride!



Riding over the new bridge!
Photos by Eastern Trail Alliance

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Now Coveted: A Walkable, Convenient Place

WALKING isn’t just good for you. It has become an indicator of your socioeconomic status.

Until the 1990s, exclusive suburban homes that were accessible only by car cost more, per square foot, than other kinds of American housing. Now, however, these suburbs have become overbuilt, and housing values have fallen. Today, the most valuable real estate lies in walkable urban locations. Many of these now pricey places were slums just 30 years ago. 

Mariela Alfonzo and I just released a Brookings Institution study that measures values of commercial and residential real estate in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, which includes the surrounding suburbs in Virginia and Maryland. Our research shows that real estate values increase as neighborhoods became more walkable, where everyday needs, including working, can be met by walking, transit or biking. There is a five-step “ladder” of walkability, from least to most walkable. On average, each step up the walkability ladder adds $9 per square foot to annual office rents, $7 per square foot to retail rents, more than $300 per month to apartment rents and nearly $82 per square foot to home values. 

Read the Full article online here.

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Eastern Trail bridge dedicated to founder

By LIZ GOTTHELF, Staff Writer
Published:Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:54 AM EDT

SACO — A ceremony was held Wednesday to celebrate the latest segment of the Eastern Trail – along with a surprise dedication ceremony to honor John Andrews, the man who helped make it all happen.

The “real focal point” of the new trail section is the pedestrian bridge that runs over Route 1 in Saco, said Bob Hamblen, Eastern Trail Alliance president and Saco’s city planner. Hamblen said he and other officials wanted to acknowledge the work and efforts of Andrews over the past 15 years by dedicating the bridge to him.

“Simply put, we wouldn’t be here today, and there wouldn’t be an Eastern Trail if it weren’t for John Andrews,” said Hamblen.

The Eastern Trail, when completed, will provide 65 miles of pedestrian and bicycle trails from Kittery to South Portland along the former Eastern Railroad Corridor. About 20 miles are completed, the newest being a 4.3-mile stretch from Milliken Mills Road in Old Orchard Beach to Clark Street in Saco, on the edge of the Thornton Academy campus.

The trail is part of the East Coast Greenway, which when completed will provide trails that connect Calais, Maine to Key West, Fla.

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Alliance to celebrate with 31-mile event

Biking excursion will begin in Kennebunk, end in South Portland

By Adam Chabot, Staff Writer, Scarborough Leader

The Eastern Trail Alliance will host an event called Spring on the Trail May 18 as part of an initiative to showcase over 10 miles of new off-road sections of trail and two bridges completed over the past 18 months.

Spring on the Trail is a 31-mile bicycle trek from Kennebunk Elementary School to Bug Light Park in South Portland. At about 2 p.m. riders will stop at Thornton Academy for lunch before continuing their ride back to South Portland. Advance registration is required in order to participate.

“This is the first time we’ve done a oneway (event) like this, that showcases the off-road sections,” said Carole Brush, executive director of the Eastern Trail Alliance.

Approximately 80 bicyclists have signed up for the all-day event.

Riders and their bikes will be loaded onto buses and trucks at 10:30 a.m. on Friday and will be transported to the elementary school in Kennebunk, where the event will begin at noon right after a group photo of all participants at the turnpike bridge.

“The initial background as to why we’re doing it, is that it’s being done in conjunction with the East Coast Greenway Alliance and the Eastern Trail is part of the southern Maine portion of the East Coast Greenway,” said Scott Marcoux, communication coordinator for the Eastern Trail Alliance.

Read the full article on-line here.

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Trail bridge dedicated to longtime Eastern Trail advocate

John R. Andrews bridge in SacoSACO, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — John Andrews had a dream.  Sitting in a living room in Old Orchard Beach about 15 years ago, he shared his vision with other outdoor enthusiasts.  He wanted to help build a 65 mile off-road trail between South Portland and Kittery using the defunct Eastern Rail Line wherever possible.

“It is hard to believe.  All I wanted was a trail,” stated Andrews, standing on a newly completed section of the trail.  “Many people told us we were crazy, they didn’t want us to waste their time talking about it, but the vision caught on and it has exploded, it really has.”

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Walk in Saco to benefit homeless veterans

Updated: 1:25 pm, Wed May 9, 2012.

SACO – A 2K walk in Saco on May 16 is designed to raise awareness, support and funds for homeless veterans.

Sponsored by the local Veterans Administration, or VA, clinic, the walk will take place on the portion of the Eastern Trail that runs through downtown Saco.

Anyone can take part in the VA2K Walk + Roll, which begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Hannaford parking lot on Route 1. In fact, the VA facilities in Maine are specifically encouraging veteran service organizations, community members, active duty members and veterans of all ages to participate.

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