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Get to Know the ETA Trustees and Staff

Meet The Team

Eastern Trail Alliance Trustees


Bob is an avid cyclist and president of Bowker & Associates, an environmental engineering firm located in Portland. He has been commuting by bicycle from Scarborough to Portland for over 25 years. Bob founded the Maine Lighthouse Ride in 2003, a fundraising cycling event for the Eastern Trail Alliance that has grown to become the largest single-day ride in Maine with 1,200 riders. He also helped develop Commute Another Way Day, an event designed to promote alternative transportation in Maine communities. Bob is a Licensed Cycling Instructor who enjoys cycling, kayaking, and hiking.


As a resident of Gorham, Jessica is the Member Engagement Manager at Town & Country Federal Credit Union. She enjoys riding her bike and taking lunch break walks on the Eastern Trail. Off trail, she enjoys hiking, rock climbing, backpacking and all outdoor adventures. Jessica believes the Eastern Trail helps connect communities and allows nature to be accessible to everyone!

Ralph Hiltz, TreasurerRALPH HILTZ, TREASURER

Ralph is a retired accountant with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting from Husson College. He currently works part time as a Job coach at L.L. Bean. He lives in Saco with his wife Terry and Sheltie Lucy. They have three adult children, two boys and one girl. Two are school teachers teaching special needs children and other child operates his own company doing web page design. In addition to being an accountant Ralph spent 11 years coaching sons Little League teams, and three years as President of Biddeford Youth Hockey. When youngest son decided at age 11 to be a youth hockey referee he became one also and did that for about 10 years. Now in his semi-retirement he enjoys all sports as well as traveling with his wife.

Tim Lambert, SecretaryTIM LAMBERT, SECRETARY

Tim started to get involved with the Eastern Trail Alliance in 2008. He has a vested interest in seeing the project completed: he wants to ride the entire 2,900 mile East Coast Greenway once completed, so he felt that getting involved in his home state just made sense. Tim works full time as a system engineer in South Portland. Originally from Biddeford, Tim recently purchased a house adjacent to the trail in Scarborough. Tim and his wife have one son and two dogs. The Lambert family favorite pastimes include walking, biking, camping and hiking.

John Andrews, Trustee and Father of the ETJOHN ANDREWS, FOUNDER OF THE EASTERN TRAIL

The Founder of the Eastern Trail and an ETA President Emeritus, John was an inspiring man of vision and untiring spirit. John’s vision to create the Eastern Trail started in the early 1990’s. He was persistent, but patient, and made tremendous progress in a relatively short amount of time.

Sadly, John passed away on February 20, 2017.

Read more information about John, including some of the many public tributes to him on this page.

Jim Bucar, TrusteeJIM BUCAR, TRUSTEE

Jim’s earliest biking was on country roads in Ohio, and he began obsessing about photography first in high school, combining both of those pastimes while teaching English at a private day school in New Haven. He’s convinced that photography is a serious art form, and he was equally convinced that putting your life on two wheels— rather than four— was such a compelling idea that he joined a group of faculty who commuted to campus on their bikes. Was it only coincidental, then, that retirement to Maine allowed even closer bonding of those two activities via volunteering for the ETA?


Bill first was exposed to trail riding in 1978 on the Warren County Bikeway (NY) riding from Glens Falls to Lake George frequently and was a early believer in the rail to trail conversion process. In addition to bicycling bill enjoys most anything outdoors including motorcycling, kayaking, hiking and fishing. He is also a collector of breweriana, mostly Schlitz memorabilia. Professionally he is a career banker and currently is the Senior Sales Officer for Kennebunk Savings Bank. He also serves as finance chair and volunteer on the Board of the Cumberland Woodbank. Bill resides in Cumberland with his wife. They have two grown children.


Deborah is a healthcare management and public health professional from York, Maine. As a writer and singer she is passionate about the connection between nature, health, and creativity.  Deb is a strong advocate for bringing the off-road Eastern Trail south of Kennebunk. She enjoys cycling and walking on the ET and the many conserved lands in Southern Maine, and can’t wait until her grandbabies are old enough to join her for outside adventures!


Bryan is honored to join the Eastern Trail Alliance as a trustee. He is an avid triathlete and outdoor enthusiast. Originally from New Hampshire, Bryan moved to Maine nearly 10 years ago and spends as much time as he can in the White Mountains skiing, hiking and biking. His career has been in the ski and bike industry as a freestyle ski coach and an employee at Rodgers in Scarborough, Maine. Bryan competes in local triathlons as well as Ironman races around the country. You can find Bryan running on the Eastern Trail, swimming along the coast or on his bike in southern Maine.


Gloria Legere, RN, MS, JD, CPHQ is a hospital accreditation and patient safety consultant. Her focus is assisting hospital in developing practical, long-term strategies for continuous readiness for accreditation compliance. She lives on a lake in Lyman. Gloria is an avid biker (on trail and road), hiker, skier and photographer and the Eastern Trail provides an excellent resource for all of those. Last summer, biking from Kennebunk to Bug Light (and back) in a day, allowed the opportunity to vividly understand the need to “Close the Gap” and to extend the trail to southern regions as well.


Tom is a South Berwick resident since 1980 with his wife, Jannette. Tom worked at Civil Consultants, a Survey and Engineering company since 1978 and is a licensed Professional Land Surveyor. Retired, Tom is an active cyclist, has ridden the Pan-Mass Challenge for 15 years and is an active volunteer for South Berwick events.
Tom is currently the Town of South Berwick representative to the ETMD.
We welcome Tom to the ETA board.

Jim Munroe, TrusteeJIM MUNROE, TRUSTEE

Jim has been member of the Eastern Trail for 7-8 yrs. Currently a Trustee, Jim is part of our outreach team participating in various corporate presentations and events. He is busy keeping many of our Kiosk information boxes full, and helping with our Maine Lighthouse Ride. He’s retired and enjoys volunteer work; Big Brothers, ETA, Mercy Hospital, working with patients who are in Detox for Drug & Alcohol abuse. Jim mentored a young man for Sweetsers Home and is still looking for other areas where he can help. Jim has resided in OOB for 20 years.

Joe Yuhas, TrusteeJOE YUHAS, TRUSTEE

Joe leads the monthly full moon walks on the Eastern Trail and has been doing so for 4 years now. A biker both on and off the trail, he can also be seen snowshoeing and x-c skiing during the snow season. He has a background as a naturalist and is very interested in environmental issues and teaches courses on Climate Change and Natural History at York County Senior College. A retired teacher/professor, when not on a bike, he volunteers as a train host on the Downeaster, works with youngsters at Community Bike Center and enjoys singing with his church choir and with Harbour Singers.

Eastern Trail Alliance Staff

Nancy Borg, Assistant to the Executive DirectorNANCY BORG, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Nancy joined the Eastern Trail as a volunteer in 2013, became a part time employee in 2015 and in 2019 became the Eastern Trail’s Executive Director. You will find Nancy at most Eastern Trail events enthusiastically sharing the vision of the trail. When she’s not at an event, she enjoys singing, loves to travel, listening to opera, reading non-fiction and spending time with her husband, Charles and their dog, AJ.


Carole is Executive Director of the Eastern Trail Management District (ETMD) and Trail Development Director of Eastern Trail Alliance (ETA). For the past decade, she was Executive Director of the ETMD and ETA, leading both organizations through a period of growth and progress, including doubling off-road mileage and developing an amazing staff. Carole is excited to now focus on ET funding and expansion through campaigns such as: “Blazing the Trail South” from Kennebunk through the Berwicks, and “Over the River” to connect the off-road trail sections in Biddeford and Saco. She is a Registered Maine Guide who shares her passion for wild, natural places through hikes and retreats, teaches Yoga, Pilates, and mindfulness, and enjoys sunset and moonrise with fellow trail-goers during monthly full moon walks at Scarborough Marsh ET.


A Scarborough native and resident, Jen became a stay-at-home-mom after the birth of her son in 2013. As the Event Coordinator for the ETA, she is responsible for planning the trail’s annual fundraising events including Taste of the Town, John Andrews Memorial 5k, Mend the Gap 10k, and the Annual Meeting. Jen enjoys biking, running, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing on the Eastern Trail with her husband James and son Andrew.


Hollon is a Pacific Northwest native, married a Mainiac, and after living all over the world has settled in Wells for retirement. She joined the Eastern Trail as the Office Manager in March of 2019. Hollon enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking and baking, traveling, listening to great live music, playing with her dogs (Sprocket and Claire), and doing DIY projects.


Larry got involved with the Eastern Trail after reading John’s Feb. 1998 article in the Press Herald. In those early years he served as a founding Trustee and Vice President of the ETA. He created ETA’s first web site in 1999 to showcase the Eastern Trail vision to the region, state and beyond. The web site won American Trails’ best local trail website award in 2003. Leaving the ETA board (designated as one of the first Trustees Emeritus!), he continued as a volunteer but returned as a part-time staff member in 2011 to manage the ever-growing ETA website. Larry lives in Cape Elizabeth and works for L.L.Bean.

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Letter to the editor: Please donate to help close the gap in the Eastern Trail

According to a 2014 survey by the Eastern Trail Alliance, almost 90,000 people per year use the Eastern Trail, running from Bug Light in South Portland to Kittery – 62 miles.

On this trail, people of all ages, locals and those from away, enjoy exercising in a safe, clean environment. The annual economic impact of its use is estimated at over $850,000.

The Eastern Trail is part of the East Coast Greenway, which goes from Calais to Key West, Florida. Much of the trail is off-road, but several miles are still on unsafe roads.

The goal of the Eastern Trail Alliance is to close a 1.6-mile gap in the trail where the Greenway ends at Wainright Field in South Portland. Two major obstacles – railroad tracks and the Nonesuch River – stand in the way.

The funds needed to close the gap, $3.8 million, will pay for the construction of two bridges plus leveling and widening the rest of the trail to make it handicapped accessible. Once this gap is closed, the trail will offer 16 miles of continuous, off-road access from Bug Light to downtown Saco.

So far, $1.55 million has been committed by the Maine Department of Transportation and $1.1 million has been contributed by the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System. About $1 million more is needed by the end of 2016 to close the gap. A real concern is that if the additional needed funds are not raised by the end of this year, then the state funds earmarked for this project may be diverted to other projects.

Please help with a donation, an investment in our future, by going to the Eastern Trail website,, and clicking on “Close the Gap.” Then get outside and enjoy it!

Betsy Hanscom


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Students inaugurate new OOB trails park

By LIZ GOTTHELF Staff Writer | Pub. 10/8 in

OLD ORCHARD BEACH — About 50 local sixth-graders hit the trails Friday morning at the grand opening of Milliken Mills Trails Park.

Fall colors peaked out through the changing foliage of the woods on the beautiful autumn day, and the students trekked through the well-designated trails, stopping to read information about the area posted on signs and kiosks.

About a third of those students had a hand in creating the park while in fourth grade through a partnership with the town’s Conservation Commission.

Milliken Mills Trails Park encompasses 70 acres of wooded area on Portland Avenue, and connects with the Eastern Trail. In 1999, Janice Milliken Andrews donated 53 acres to the town to be used for a conservation area, and the town acquired the additional 17 acres from a failed subdivision.

Parking is available at 192 Portland Ave., where the town’s former animal shelter was located.

The project was funded with the help of an $8,000 Project Canopy grant, awarded in 2014. Project Canopy is a partnership between the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry’s Maine Forest Service and GrowSmart Maine.

As part of a fourth-grade project, local students researched the history and habitat of the area, and compiled information for signs, kiosks and the website Then, with the help of high school students, they designed and built signs, kiosks and picnic tables, said Conservation Commission member Kimbark Smith.

“It is our hope this will become a new cornerstone of the community,” he said.

Read the entire article online here.

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Little library a big hit on Eastern Trail

Published in KeepMECurrent -By Kate Irish Collins -September 15, 2016

The Eastern Trail in Scarborough now features an unusual structure – a library.

A new Little Free Library, which was erected through a partnership between the Scarborough Public Library and the Scarborough Kiwanis Club, stands adjacent to the trail parking lot off Pine Point Road.

The goal for the little library, part of the international Little Free Library network, is to provide free books for youngsters, young adults and adults, as well as to help build a sense of community.

“The Little Free Library is a wonderful way to build a sense of community while encouraging reading,” Nancy Crowell, director of the Scarborough Public Library, said. “There is a wonderful serendipity in browsing a (Little Free Library) collection. You never know who will have left what title. (And while it’s) not essential for a library visitor to return or donate a book, the spirit of sharing encourages an exchange.”

The Little Free Library on the Eastern Trail has gotten a lot of use in the month or so since it was put up, said Joyce Leary Clark, president of the Kiwanis Club, with Kiwanis members replenishing the stock of books available multiple times already.

This little library is the second one in Scarborough, according to Crowell, who said that Emily Read, president of the library board, also has a Free Little Library in her Windward Lane neighborhood, which includes a geocache, as well.

Read the entire article online here.

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Great Media Coverage of the Maine Lighthouse Ride


We had excellent media coverage for the 13th annual Maine Lighthouse Ride, which was held on Saturday. September 10.

Here are two links (no video, unfortunately) to the coverage by WMTW Channel 8:


There are also two video clips of MLR riders crossing the Scarborough Marsh that you can find  on our FaceBook page. These clips were taken and posted by ETA Trustee Tim Lambert.

Photos of the ride taken by volunteers can be found here.


Archived News

7 Scenic End-of-Summer Bike Rides

By Sarra Sedghi |  August 31, 2016  |  12:30pm | Photos: Tom Hilton/Flickr and Kenneth Casper/Flickr

Maine’s Eastern Trail, a segment of the ever-growing East Coast Greenway, runs from Portland to Kennebunk and currently exists in three stretches connected by on-road cycling routes. Along the way, you’ll see passing sailboats, scenes from downtown Portland, remains of the Eastern Railroad and Scarborough Marsh’s wildlife.

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Letter to the editor: Help fund work to eliminate last big gap in Eastern Trail

Portland Press Herald, Letters, Posted August 26, 2016

It’s summer on the coast of Maine, and there’s no better time of year to appreciate the value of the Eastern Trail.

For those who aren’t already frequent users, the Eastern Trail system traverses 65 miles between Kittery and South Portland. It’s part of the larger East Coast Greenway that aims to connect Maine to Florida – a trail project that has been in the national headlines recently, including features by Conde Nast and the Huffington Post.

In Scarborough, the Eastern Trail is an incredibly valuable asset that is used by a wide cross-section of our population, from residents to tourists. They can view the state’s largest salt marsh, watch birds or ride the trail corridor, and the number of trail users is increasing annually.

Given how valuable the Eastern Trail is to our residents, visitors, economy and overall quality of life, the town of Scarborough – in partnership with the Eastern Trail Alliance, Bicycle Coalition of Maine and Maine Department of Transportation – has been working tirelessly to design and fund a plan that would close the final 1.6-mile gap in the trail and provide an off-road linkage of the Eastern Trail in Scarborough to the Greenbelt Trail in South Portland.

This linkage would be the capstone on the Eastern Trail in this area and would create a continuous 16 miles of off-road trail corridor from Bug Light in South Portland all the way to downtown Saco.

At this point, Scarborough, South Portland and our regional and state transportation agencies (the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System and MDOT) have generously collaborated to commit $3 million of the $3.6 million needed to complete this regionally significant project. This leaves about $600,000 in necessary funding for which we are seeking donations in order to close this critical gap.

Help us make our section of the East Coast Greenway a reality.

Dan Bacon

Read the entire letter online.

Archived News

Letter to the editor: Help fund work to eliminate last big gap in Eastern Trail

Portland Press Herald, Letters, Posted August 26, 2016

It’s summer on the coast of Maine, and there’s no better time of year to appreciate the value of the Eastern Trail.

For those who aren’t already frequent users, the Eastern Trail system traverses 65 miles between Kittery and South Portland. It’s part of the larger East Coast Greenway that aims to connect Maine to Florida – a trail project that has been in the national headlines recently, including features by Conde Nast and the Huffington Post.

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The East Coast Greenway Will Be a 3,000-Mile Bike Trail From Maine to Florida

Conde Nash Traveler | Written by Sebastian Modak |   July 25, 2016

It’s like the Appalachian Trail for bikes.

It’s been under discussion since the early 1990s, so you’d be forgiven for thinking the East Coast Greenway—a nearly 3,000-mile paved bike trail that would extend from Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida—is nothing but a pipe dream. But the non-profit organization behind the initiative, the East Coast Greenway Alliance (ECGA), has been busy as of late, as it’s 2016-2020 strategic plan shows an uptick in funding from community organizations and both federal and local government institutions. (The project depends on local state governments building and maintaining their individual sections.)

Read more