Kids Mopb on the ET John Andrews bridgeSACO – More than 300 kids in bright yellow T-shirts “mobbed” the pedestrian bridge over Route 1 in Saco Tuesday morning, July 24, to kick-off a fundraising campaign to buy 25 bikes for the Saco Parks & Recreation program.

The goal is to raise $7,500 in order to buy the bicycles and related safety equipment, such as helmets, according to Justin Chenette a member of the Saco Bikes for Kids committee. Chenette is also running for the House District 134 seat this fall.

He said the bikes initiative is a collaboration between the Eastern Trail Alliance and the city of Saco with the goal of getting kids interested in using the trail and “putting those electronic devices down.”

“The next 250 years begin now and Saco’s kids are the bridge to get us there. So what better way to show support for our bright future than to celebrate Saco’s newest addition, the John R. Andrews Eastern Trail Bridge and fill it with kids and bikes?” said Bob Hamblen, president of the Eastern Trail Alliance, who is also Saco’s city planner.

This summer, Saco Parks & Recreation plans to incorporate the Eastern Trail into a variety of field trips, according to Kevin Lombard, program director at the city department.

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